We welcome you to the web pages of private practice"Prof. dr Andrija Golubović", which specializes in general and oncological surgery.
Visits to our site have reasons which are mainly coming from a diagnosis of severe illness or doubt that it exists in the first place. When the sickness appears, it is very important that without any delay you seek for medical help, so that you can be sure you have taken the necessary steps towards your recovery. Any protraction or concealment of sickness because of fear unnecessarily complicates the process. Nowadays, the science has come so far in its findings that it has new methods for treating many severe illnesses which allow life to go back to its normal routine and everyday activities which existed before the illness happened in the first place.
Experience over the past 30 years in renowned medical institutions, continuous perfecting and maintenance of high standards of medical services are the basis of our dedication for the well-being of our patients. We are at your disposal in a safe and discrete environment of our private practice for examination, diagnosis, therapies, and small surgical interventions in local anesthesia, but also for oncological consilium and supervision of medical reports.
We strongly believe that the patient should be an active participant in its own tretmant. This is why special attention is dedicated to open and honest counseling of our patients in order to make very important decisions. Well informed patient is prepared and willing to participate in its curing and by doing so makes the process itself easy for the doctors but for patient too.
After all your health is your biggest wealth.
prof. dr Andrija Golubović,
Specialist of general surgery, subspecialist of oncology