Which number is used to make an appointment and when to do it?
Phone number used for appointments is +381 (0)21 / 6 - 335 - 336. This phone number is always available for making appointments. If however you reach us outside the working hours, we kindly ask you to leave your information on our answering machine. Nurse will contact you in the shortest period and will make an appointment.
What should you bring to the appointment?
It is highly recommendable that you gather all the medical documentation you have so far, regarding the reason behind the appointment. This includes all the previous doctors’ reports, medical reports, and recordings etc. which concern topic of your appointment.
When should you come to your appointment?
You should come to the appointment 10-15 minutes before, so the nurse is able to put the patient in the protocol of the examination.
What if you are not able to come?
If you have reasons which stop you from coming to your appointment we kindly ask you to note us about it as soon as you know.