Medical specialization in general surgery since 1994.
Expert in the field of surgical oncology.
Special interest in the field of breast cancer surgery and new operative technics.
Engaged in academic education in fields of oncological surgery in the Medical university of Banja Luka.
Scientific research with lectures and publications.
Married with three kids.
Academic titles and accomplishments in carrier
Graduated from Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad.
Has completed the required medical service in the Clinical center, Novi Sad.
Elected for the assistant ofscientific work in the field of oncology in the Institute of oncology, Sremska Kamenica and Faculty of Medicine in Novi Sad.
Post graduate studies, Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad.
Specialization in general surgery in the Institute of Oncology- Clinic for operative oncology, Sremska Kamenica.
Defended final thesis under the name "Investigation of the value of short-term prophylactic application of antibiotic therapy in surgical patients".
Did final exam of the specialization chosen.
Elected as assistant on the subject Oncology in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad.
Defended doctoral degree in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad under the name “Investigation of the Value of Sentinel Patella Biopsy in Breast Cancer".
Elected as assistant professor.
Elected as Chief of the Surgery Department, Institute of Oncology in Sremska Kamenica.
Elected as an associate professor.
Sub-specialization in the field of oncology.
Head of Clinic for Operative Oncology in the Institute of Oncology, in Sremska Kamenica.
Elected as a professor in the field of surgery in the Faculty of Medicine, Banja Luka.
Membership in professional-scientific associations
Member of Serbian Medical Association
Vice president of the Association of surgical oncologist of Serbia
Member of B.U.O.N.
Member of Y.U.E.H.
Specializations and international professional education
Tenon & Rotshield Hospital, Paris, France, November 2003.
MD Anderson oncology Center, Houston, Texas, USA, 2005.
World cancer congresses: Hamburg, Rio de Janeiro, Berlin, Cincinnati, Vienna, Budapest
Više desetina naučnih radova publikovanih u nacionalnim i internacionalnim časopisima.
Koautor dva udžbenika.
Urednik i autor udžbenika „Atlas hirurgije dojke„ izdat 2015. godine.
On this page:
Academic titles and accomplishments in carrierMembership in professional-scientific associationsSpecializations and international professional educationPublications